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Jamie Butemeyer Coaching

Teaching you how to embody the authentic mission your soul came to fulfill

Jamie is a soul-centered, transformational leadership coach who is passionate about coaching individuals to use their lives as vehicles for greater self actualization and raising consciousness on the planet. Jamie is a catalyst for individuals ready to claim greater fulfillment, abundance, ease, and clarity around what their greater vision and mission is in the world while also helping them wake up to their inherent wholeness in the process. Coming from a performing arts background, Jamie blends spiritual psychology, the healing arts, and creative expression to help people activate their own unique Inner Artist to create the most important masterpiece they will ever embark on creating- their own life. Jamie is a Certified Mastery Coach and a Mentor Coach for The Institute of Coaching Mastery and head coach for Elected Leaders Collective she co created with her beloved partner.


What brought us to this valley

10 years ago I was transitioning out of a lifelong pursuit of theatre and had NO idea what was next until one day I got a call out of no where from one of my fellow college musical theatre grads who was working for Theatre Aspen...

She knew of a family needing a nanny and knew i was looking for my next 'thing.' I blindly said yes, moved to Aspen, and with so much ease, this valley swooped me up and clearly showed me what my path was and that this place was home.

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Aspen Mountain

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