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Bethel Party Rentals Inc.

Bethel Party Rentals Inc.

The start up of Bethel Party Rentals…… a miracle comes true!

The story starts with two people, Jefferson Cardoso and Martin Herrera. They began working together at a party rental company. Later, it was sold to new owners. They were told that they were no longer needed because the new owners brought in their own crew. It was not happy news. Not long after they lost their jobs, Jefferson told Martin that he had recently heard a preacher preach ‘if you get fired from a your job, you don’t have to worry because God wants to give you something better; He wants to give you your own company.’ Jefferson asked Martin if he believed that and Martin replied that he did. Soon after, they started working on a business plan together to open their own party rental business. They consulted with a former boss, Kenny Hopper, who had a wealth of knowledge in this industry. The biggest obstacle in their way was the money required to start a company of this kind; neither Martin nor Jefferson had it. But they did not give up and had faith that some how this could work. They began asking past clients for recommendation letters and when those letters came in they brought them to Alpine Bank to see if they could get a loan. They showed the commercial loan officer the letters and their business plan. After he reviewed the paperwork he told them the business plan was excellent and the business had potential to make a very good profit. Then he asked how much money they had to put down in order to secure a financed loan. This was the hard question and the answer was none; however Martin and Jefferson told him that they had the determination and the willingness to work hard and to make it work. How did this go over with the loan officer? At first he laughed and told them they were very brave, that he had never seen anyone come to his bank to start a business with no money. He was impressed that the business plan was good and that both Martin and Jefferson had such positive attitudes so he gave them some advice; go out there and find some people you know that might want to invest in this business and bring me $200,000.00, then you will get the loan. So the hunt for investors was on! At first it didn’t produce anyone. But Martin and Jefferson continued on with their other search in the meanwhile; a building big enough for their business. They found a good one and asked the owner of the building to hold it for them and the owner said he could but if someone wanted it in the meantime, it might not be available. Meanwhile, they took the business plan to a local business man, Mike Huck. He thought it was a good plan but did not want to invest as he had just invested a lot of money somewhere else. Little did Martin and Jefferson know that on that very same night, Mike and his wife Jan would be attending a party and be seated with another business man who was telling them about Bethel Party Rentals and their potential and how he thought it had a lot of potential. That next morning, Mike Huck called Martin and asked him if he could review the plan with his wife. It wasn’t long after when they were ready to ‘jump in’ and contribute the money to get the business going. Martin and Jefferson returned to Alpine Bank and spoke again with the commercial loan officer. They could prove they had the money and the loan paperwork began! Their dream was coming true! Not long after the loan was approved, they secured the 6,000 sq. ft. building they had seen earlier on and it was still available and ready for them to occupy. Inventory was being ordered and stored in the building but the space was so large that the inventory didn’t look like enough. Six years in business later, Bethel Party Rentals has grown over 500% and now operates from a 12,000 sq. ft. building…and guess what? It is not enough space as the company keeps adding more and more inventory because there is more demand for their service! Presently, Bethel Party Rentals does over 1000 orders per year and expects to exceed this number, thanks to the great employees that are like family to us. We thank God for this miracle. We also thank our families who supported us through the hard times in the beginning to the good times now and we couldn’t be more grateful for our wonderful Clients who continue to believe in us and keep coming back time after time.


What brought us to this valley

We grew up in this valley.

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