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Meghan Gilroy Shamanic Healer & Spiritual Life Coach

Let's listen to your soul, together!

There comes a time in many women’s lives when money, success, family or marriage aren’t quite enough. You arrive at a crossroads where you desire more meaning, more magic, more joy, beauty, pleasure and ease.  Your soul is calling - and it refuses to be ignored.

This is when life often shows up in an unexpected way – the challenge to your health, in your relationships, your work or your overall happiness. You no longer can tolerate holding yourself back from being who you truly are.

Sure, books, therapy, coaching, workshops have been helpful – but they haven’t consistently eased feeling stuck, the low-grade dissatisfaction, or brought the inner peace or the contentment you crave.

My invitation? Let’s listen to your soul, together.

My name is Meghan Gilroy and I’m a shamanic healer and spiritual life coach, mama of 3 in a blended family and wife to my beloved man. In my early twenties, I was named a “shaman and spiritual leader for the next generation” by don Miguel Ruiz, best-selling author of The Four Agreements.

You’d think that with all my spiritual training, I’d be immune to feeling off my soul path. Yet in my forties, I found myself as a smart, successful, well-paid, conscious, capable, caring woman who was frustrated, resentful and stuck. Why couldn’t I manifest the life and work of my dreams?

It took deep trust and courage to walk away from a high paying job that funded a nice lifestyle but left me feeling adrift and unsatisfied. So I heeded my soul’s calling, knowing I was meant for something bigger and more beautiful. Thank God I did.

For the past 25 years, I’ve had the honor of working with thousands of women around the world as a spiritual life coach, business mentor and shamanic healer.

By far, the most potent healing and sustainable growth within my clients has come from shamanic healing.

When I embraced this gift, that’s when my life and work lit up my soul – and it’s done the same for my clients.  

So, when you become willing to look at what’s holding you back, nurture your innate abilities to listen to and align with your soul and get consistent with using your spiritual toolkit, then incredible growth and the ability to ride life’s ups and downs await you.

I would love to be that spiritual midwife, that way-shower and guide for you as you step into your own flow, purpose and power.

Most often I work with women on a healer’s path, whether you consider yourself a healer for others or are healing yourself.  I work with coaches, mothers and women going through a dark night of the soul or who are on the edge of a threshold.

And after building two 7-figure businesses, I am also uniquely suited to work with small business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready to get the support to overcome your blocks and start sourcing yourself from overflow so you can expand into your true soul work and a life you love.

I offer private shamanic healing & spiritual coaching packages, private and group retreats at my ranchette and healing space in the North Fork Valley, local events, ceremonies, women’s circles, power journeys to sacred sites around the world, as well as online courses.  

If you’re curious about investing in yourself and working with me, then let’s find a time to connect on a complimentary clarity call:  

You can visit my website at, follow me on or email me at

I invite you to come closer… Let’s see what your soul remembers – and already knows.


What brought us to this valley

An astrocartography reading and series of serendipities sparked a whirlwind move to the North Fork Valley 7 years ago. The astrologer told me I could either stay where I was on the East Coast, move near Aspen, or to central Mexico. While the pyramids in central Mexico are my spiritual home, it wasn’t where I felt called to live with my young blended family. After discovering the Waldorf-inspired public school here in the North Fork and the perfect ranchette and healing space where I now host private retreats, shamanic healing and ceremony, we put our roots down in Paonia and I found the pace, soul sisters and community I craved. It also gave me a home base to return to after I lead sacred spirit journeys and retreats around the world. Over the past 2 years, I took several inner shamanic journeys (without plant medicine). The spirits Native to this land told me that I was to work with the healers in the North Fork Valley and bring women here for healing and deep transformation. They also asked me to go to and connect with the spirits of the Roaring Fork Valley. After starting a Healer’s Path program locally and offering private retreats and in-person shamanic healing sessions, more “you just can’t make this up” moments brought the connections to teaching at places like True Nature, A Spiritual Center, the Center for Human Flourishing and Aspen Business Connect. I’m always in awe of how life unfolds when you’re willing to listen to your soul and trust the breadcrumbs. And I am excited to make even more connections in Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley as the astrologer predicted! PS What about a category for Healers?

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